Cole had been dealing with painful psoriasis for years. Almost 60% of his body was covered with painful patches – and it continued to spread. Despite seeing multiple doctors and specialists, it was not getting any better. And worst of all, he was beginning to feel hopeless.

“I had seen three general doctors and four specialists, over a nine-year period, for treatment of psoriasis,” shared the 35-year-old logistics specialist from Yukon, Oklahoma. “These practitioners did not care to hear about the condition, from my point of view, and would just prescribe copious amounts of pharmaceuticals that had a minimal effect at best. I was never tested in any way to find other factors that might be contributing to the situation.”

“This type of treatment, over so many years, left me with a feeling of hopelessness about overcoming my autoimmune condition.”

Cole was finally referred to Dr. Cas by another doctor, and that’s when things began to shift. 

“Dr. Cas has genuine concern and willingness to actually listen to and have a discussion with his patients,” Cole said. “He’s worked with me to help develop a more natural method of treating psoriasis, as well as optimize my overall health.”

Unlike other doctors Cole had worked with, Dr. Cas recommended a series of tests to uncover the root cause of Cole’s condition. He then outlined a treatment plan that included diet and lifestyle adjustments to get Cole’s health headed in a positive direction.

“My general health has improved quite a bit, but the most significant result is with my psoriasis,” Cole said. “Before I saw Dr. Cas, my body was about 60% covered with the most painful and irritating patches of inflamed skin and it was continuing to spread.”

“It has now been about 24 months since Dr. Cas assisted me, and my condition is an estimated 80% better/clear. Although I am not 100% healed, the results are continuing and my health is still improving. My quality of life has been greatly enhanced. I am living with less pain and suffering than I have since 2012.”

Cole encourages others suffering from longstanding, chronic conditions to be clear with Dr. Cas about their situation and how they could like it to change. “From my experience, if you just listen to his advice and keep an open mind, you will see positive results,” he said.

Dr. Cas believes in the power of healthy, happy communities and has dedicated his career to creating that – one patient at a time. Every patient he helps is another life changed for the better, and he’s honored by the trust his patients place in him. Dr. Cas measures his success based on his patients’ success in overcoming health challenges and living their fullest, healthiest lives. If you’re looking for a doctor who will take the time to listen and get to the root cause of your health concerns, please get in touch with Dr. Cas.