Dr. Cas has spent his career developing, refining and implementing his 5 Pillars of Health and Wellness© to help guide his patients to their optimal well-being.


People don’t all look the same, but everyone wants to feel good about themselves. Studies demonstrate that when someone feels confident, they are more likely to engage with others, smile and laugh, which encourages the release of oxytocin, a hormone necessary for survival.

Achieving Aesthetic Wellness

Having a facial or pedicure every once in a while, clearing up acne or sun spots that a patient has felt subconscious about for so long, or taking care of those fine lines and wrinkles can all help with outer beauty – and can have a profound impact on inner health and overall wellness as well. Some patients may also benefit from counseling about how they perceive themselves and others.

Explore aesthetic wellness resources.

A personalized path for each patient

Some patients may already have strong aesthetic wellness, while others may be looking for support in this area. Just like all of his other pillars of health and wellness, Dr. Cas spends time listening and talking with his patients to understand their concerns and aspirations, before recommending a personalized path forward.

Read real patient success stories.


Explore aesthetic wellness with Dr. Cas in his Doctor’s Notes blog, where he takes an in-depth look at a variety of medical wellness topics and shares his knowledge, insights and recommendations. And if you’d like to learn more about Dr. Cas or schedule an appointment, please get in touch.

Aesthetic Wellness Resources

Aesthetic Wellness Resources

The aesthetic industry is enormous – estimated at $86.2 billion worldwide in 2020 alone. There are countless products and procedures, all promising to make you look better, younger, fitter. But what...

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In the Eye of the Beholder

In the Eye of the Beholder

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, aglow, or communicated sense of fineness.” - H. Lawrence The meaning and...

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Learn about the other Pillars of Health

Medical Wellness

Physical Wellness

Mental Wellness

Spiritual Wellness