Chris, 38, of Dallas Texas, has known Dr. Cas since before he was “Dr. Cas.” The two have been friends since high school, so Chris’ decision to seek health care from Dr. Cas was easy. “He’s a compassionate and caring person that I trust and respect,” Chris explained.

Now a 38-year-old engineer with a family and busy life, Chris places a high priority on being healthy and active. “I went through 35 years feeling less than optimal,” he shared. “Dr. Cas helped me get to a place where I can perform at my highest level mentally and physically.”

Chris was impressed with the in-depth approach Dr. Cas took in his diagnosis and treatment plan. “Dr. Cas and his approach are truly unique! I’ve never had a doctor take so much time trying to understand me and my environment,” he said.

“Dr. Cas didn’t just ask about my symptoms and prescribe a pill. He strived to understand my life and wellness holistically to form a mental model that he used to find and treat root causes of my health issues. He clearly articulated my options and helped me navigate associated lifestyle and treatment options.”

To Dr. Cas, every patient – and every treatment plan – is unique. For Chris, the root cause of his issues was gut health. Dr. Cas worked with him on diet changes that Chris described as “life-changing.”

“I never realized how impactful my diet could be on my quality of life,” Chris said. “Specifically, Dr. Cas helped me remove gluten and dairy from my diet, and it changed my life!”

Chris is not alone in his need to improve gut health. As a family medicine doctor, Dr. Cas estimates that 80 percent of what he addresses with patients involves the gut. Even the healthiest eaters can still experience problems stemming from food intolerances, deficiencies or bad organisms, leading to bloating, diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, joint pain and skin issues. Dr. Cas utilizes testing to quickly and accurately pinpoint gut issues and then works with patients to make diet and lifestyle changes that often lead to more energy, less money spent on healthcare, more productivity at work, and an overall happier life. Read more about the importance of gut health in Dr. Cas’ Doctor’s Notes blog post.

Today, Chris encourages those around him to, “Take ownership of your wellness. Get educated. Surround yourself with people that truly care about your health and will help you get and stay healthy. Dr. Cas can and will help you get educated and get/stay healthy!”

Dr. Cas believes in the power of healthy, happy communities and has dedicated his career to creating that – one patient at a time. Every patient he helps is another life changed for the better, and he’s honored by the trust his patients place in him. Dr. Cas measures his success based on his patients’ success in overcoming health challenges and living their fullest, healthiest lives. If you’re looking for a doctor who will take the time to listen and get to the root cause of your health concerns, please get in touch with Dr. Cas.