Angie was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. The 47-year-old from Norman, Oklahoma, wanted answers and healing. Her nutritionist referred her to Dr. Cas, and that’s where her journey to better health began. 

“I immediately felt relieved to be in Dr. Cas’ office. He is so warm and compassionate. He truly wants to heal and find root causes to illness, rather than just write a prescription,” Angie said.

For Angie, Dr. Cas recommended a series of tests, including extensive blood work and stool analysis; diet changes, including the Whole30 program; detoxification methods, including supplements and coffee enemas; and a referral to a chiropractor. 

“I feel like I have a new lease on life,” Angie said. “Six months ago, I could barely get out of bed. Last week, I hiked and biked 53 miles at high elevations (above 9500′) in Colorado. I’m so grateful for Dr. Cas.”

One of the things Angie appreciates most about Dr. Cas is that he isn’t prescription based, but focuses on finding underlying issues, like parasites, mold toxicity and inflammation-inducing toxins, and then treats those issues accordingly. 

“I was sleeping and exhausted all of the time. I was depressed. I feel so much better physically and mentally,” Angie said. “I’m able to function again. I have a new outlook. I don’t feel 47 at all, I have energy and hope for the future!”

Angie encourages other people suffering with health conditions to ask their doctor questions. “If your physician isn’t listening, see Dr. Cas. He is always so patient with all of my questions,” she said.

Angie was so pleased with her health results, that she encouraged her husband to begin seeing Dr. Cas as well. “I can’t wait to see where we will be next year at this time!” she said. 

Dr. Cas believes in the power of healthy, happy communities and has dedicated his career to creating that – one patient at a time. Every patient he helps is another life changed for the better, and he’s honored by the trust his patients place in him. Dr. Cas measures his success based on his patients’ success in overcoming health challenges and living their fullest, healthiest lives. If you’re looking for a doctor who will take the time to listen and get to the root cause of your health concerns, please get in touch with Dr. Cas.