Dr. Cas believes in the power of healthy, happy communities – and knows it takes a village to achieve that. In Dr. Cas’ Crew, we’re pleased to profile like-minded individuals and businesses that are working to create and support strong communities and healthy lifestyles.  

Eat good. Feel good. Do good. That’s what Sarah Van Ahn’s business, FreshFit405, is all about. The Oklahoma-based meal prep business makes healthy, balanced, whole food, gluten-free meals for busy people. 

“I chose this line of work because I wanted to help people feel better so that they could do better in their personal and professional lives,” said Sarah, who knows all about being busy, as an entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, and mother to three very active boys. 

The overall trend toward deteriorating health in the U.S. keeps Sarah up at night – but her own personal fitness goals and serving others in their personal wellness goals motivates her to get up and moving early. 

“I’m concerned that the messaging on health and wellness is getting too complicated and mucky for individuals to understand,” Sarah said. “In my business, I try to keep it as simple as possible … eat good, feel good, do good. It’s that easy.”

What hasn’t been easy for Sarah and her business are the recent labor and supply chain struggles. But she’s proud of her ability to learn how to scale business and hold tight to her high quality standards. She stays up to date on her industry by keeping a close eye on social media, researching recipes and ingredients, and aligning with like-minded individuals she can learn from. She also travels and takes inspiration from the innovative restaurants and businesses she visits.

When she finds herself feeling stuck, Sarah challenges herself to try something new, whether it’s a new fitness routine, new body composition goal, new fitness trainer, reading something new, or listening to new music or podcast. She also finds success by partnering with a life coach and competing in her favorite sports. 

“Beach vacations, however, are my favorite way to get myself out of a slump or rut,” Sarah said. 

While she works very hard, Sarah understands the importance of a healthy work/life balance. “I fill my cup first so that I have something to pour into my family and my business,” she said. “I work out daily. I set personal wellness goals as well as spiritual wellness ones. I ask for help. I delegate responsibilities. I schedule fun. I say no to things that do not serve my bigger picture goals.”

The goal for her business is clear: Helping people live good lives through good food.  

“I love to cook for people, but what I love more is offering a product that will serve them incredibly well when they learn how to choose their health and wellness over their emotional impulses,” Sarah said.

If there’s a business or individual in your community that you think should be featured in Dr. Cas’ Crew, drop us a line!