I want to enjoy optimal health, just like I want to help my patients achieve their own optimal health. I believe that incorporating safe, effective, high-quality supplements into a daily routine is key to good health and a long life. I dedicate a lot of time and effort to researching the plethora of vitamins and supplements available today: the benefits, possible side effects, the ingredients, the effectiveness. I try many of them to see how they affect my body and the results I experience. The ones I believe in, I recommend to my patients. In this post, I am pleased to share my favorite supplements for energy balance.


Doc’s Thoughts: This is an amazing formulation for insulin resistance and modulating glucose levels. Diabetes runs in my family, so there has always been a thought in the back of my head that I might get diabetes as well. Neither my dad nor my grandfather who had diabetes were overweight. This supplement gives me peace of mind and allows me to enjoy a “cheat meal” here and there. I try to stick to an 80/20 meal plan, where I am eating very clean 80% of the time and allow myself to go out or splurge with my kids 20% of the time. By taking this supplement, which has dihydroberberine and other glucose-modulating herbs, your insulin and glucose levels will not spike as much. I have also found that taking this supplement makes me less tired after a meal. I highly recommend this supplement in any daily routine and believe you will see major benefits from it.


Doc’s Thoughts: This supplement gets me excited. No, seriously, it actually gets me excited. I put this in my water every morning to start my day, and I definitely notice a burst in energy throughout the day. The supplement is formulated to support the function of your mitochondria, which are the energy sources in all of your cells. Without these, we wouldn’t function as human beings. Poor functioning mitochondria lead to fatigue, weight gain, toxin buildup, diabetes and many other disease pathways. In the environment that we live nowadays, we are surrounded by many toxins. These can build up in our mitochondria and slow down their function. It is very important for us to get into the habit of waking up our mitochondria and detoxing. I highly recommend this supplement for your daily routine.


Doc’s Thoughts: If you have a brain that’s hard to shut off, then this is the supplement for you. I actually think that this supplement is beneficial for everybody because it helps improve concentration and decrease anxiety symptoms. Many of us that are deemed ADD/ADHD actually just have areas of the brain that operate at a higher frequency (called beta frequency). This supplement helps to regulate the frequency of the brain to more of an alpha frequency. When your brain is able to process information properly, you tend to have fewer symptoms like concentration troubles, anxiety and insomnia. I have seen this supplement benefit high-functioning CEOs, athletes, teachers, doctors, children … well, pretty much everybody. I take the supplement twice a day and have noticed a big difference in my ability to concentrate throughout the day, while maintaining a low level of anxiety. And my wife hates it, but I sleep like a baby. I highly recommend this supplement in your daily routine.


Doc’s Thoughts:  I love curcumin. I think that this supplement is one of the most beneficial supplements that anybody can ever take. Turmeric/curcumin has been shown to improve cancer, autoimmune disorders, general inflammation and arthritis, G.I. symptoms, and mood. Mainly by decreasing inflammation and improving immune system, the supplement can benefit everybody. Personally, I definitely have noticed less aches and pains in my body after starting curcumin. If I have acute pain from over-exercising, I take one to two capsules and my pain is mitigated within 10 to 15 minutes. We have also done studies in my office looking at curcumin and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. The study was done with 50 men who were taking injection testosterone, which will typically raise the CRP level slightly. We found that by taking curcumin, their CRP levels actually went down 30% to 40%. I highly recommend this supplement in your daily routine. (Note: When taking this supplement, it’s very important to give yourself a break every four to six weeks. I usually take one week off and then restart supplementation. This allows the body time to reset.)


Doc’s Thoughts: This is such a cool and important supplement for anti-aging and longevity. Don’t we all want to live forever? The way that this supplement works may actually help us live longer. Spermidine is a naturally occurring molecule that is part of a group of molecules known as polyamines. Polyamines interact in our body to perform various critical metabolic functions. As we age, our cells’ ability to renew becomes compromised. Over time, the spermidine in our body also decreases, affecting our ability to stay young. Fasting and spermidine have been shown to counteract this by activating a process called autophagy, which is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. Research has shown many benefits of taking this supplement, including improved neurodegeneration, improved anti-aging, improved immune system function, and improved cardiac function by strengthening the mitochondrial content of the heart muscle. I highly recommend taking this supplement in your daily routine.

If you would like to discuss your personal health concerns and goals, and identify the best supplements for your lifestyle, please get in touch.