Dr. Cas believes in the power of healthy, happy communities – and knows it takes a village to achieve that. In Dr. Cas’ Crew, we’re pleased to profile like-minded individuals and businesses that are working to create and support strong communities and healthy lifestyles. 

Athletics and training have been a personal passion for Tom Wort, so he made it his business, too. Three years ago, he started training football players part-time, and it has grown from there. 

“It became my passion and now I have opened a facility designed specifically for high-level athletes and military personnel. I hope to create an atmosphere for ideas to be shared in achieving peak athletic and mental performance,” Tom shared. 

Bringing his idea from concept to completion is something Tom takes great pride in. 

“Getting the right pieces in place to create the type of atmosphere for success is always a difficult process. Starting a facility from scratch really allows you to design things from the ground up. Putting a design in place that we are currently executing is something I am proud we have overcome,” he said. 

Opening and operating a fitness facility in today’s challenging environment hasn’t been an easy road. 

“The fitness world is an interesting one. I have seen gyms open and close and be hit by the COVID restrictions,” Tom said. 

But having a good team and building connections is a key to success. 

“Being a part of a team of people with the same goals is something that excites me. Doing everything by yourself is a difficult road. Doing things as a team can accomplish much more,” Tom said. “Having solid connections and relationships with people in your field can really help you in the long run. You have people to talk to and bounce ideas off of to figure out what the best solution is.”

Staying up to date on his industry is one way Tom sets his business apart. 

“The industry is very fluid and with new technologies being introduced every day, the ability to keep learning is always there. I want to continue to learn what we can do to have the healthiest athlete out there as possible,” he said. 

“My main new focus is keeping our athletes healthy by looking at multiple factors. Mental health, gut health and recovery are big factors in getting the best performance out of someone. Continuing to learn about this is something that I believe will set us apart.”

While helping athletes perform at their peak is a primary focus, Tom sees an even greater purpose to his work with high school, college and pro football players.

“Young men in this day and age need direction,” he said. “I want to create a space that continues to point young men in the right direction to be future leaders in whatever field they end up in after athletics.”

In addition to his training business, Tom also has a surveying company that stakes out construction sites using a Robotic Total Station instead of tape measures. “I like the combination of both businesses and find parallels between the two,” he said. 

Running two businesses requires a conscious approach to finding work/life balance. “It is always a difficult balance but focusing on quality of time instead of quantity of time is something I try to do with my relationships outside of work,” Tom said. 

If there’s a business or individual in your community that you think should be featured in Dr. Cas’ Crew, drop us a line!