Top 5 Bacteria for Gut Health

The word “bacteria” has gotten a bad rap. All around us, companies advertise sprays and cloths and gels that promise to kill germs, viruses and bacteria. But not all bacteria are bad – especially the bacteria in the gut. In fact, we not only need these bacteria – we...

How to Boost Your Stem Cell and PRP Results

Stem cell and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments are becoming more and more mainstream, as more providers and more patients become educated about the process and the benefits.  As a functional medicine doctor, I am dedicated to getting to the root cause of my...

Get the Skinny on Fats

Fats are one of the three macronutrients that our body needs to function properly, alongside carbohydrates and proteins. (Need a refreshed on macro and micronutrients? Check out this blog post.) Although they’ve gotten a bad name over the years, fats are an essential...